Release date: July 28th, 2014
Sponsored by SAC (Securities Association of China), the pre-registered exam of Securities Practitioner Qualification Examination was successfully administered by ATA in 16 cities across the country on July 27th. This was the fifth pre-registered exam this year. The exam results will be released in 7 working days after the exam. According to the registration regulation, candidates are not allowed to register for two consecutive pre-registered exams. However, this regulation does not apply to the national unified exam. Currently, the registration for the national unified exam of Securities Practitioner Qualification Examination to be administered in September is open. Candidates can register on the official website of SAC before August 24th.
The release of the new “National Nine-point” Guidelines and the Opinions on Further Promotion of the Innovative Development of Securities Institutions encourages securities companies to serve enterprise entities with derivative products. Launching OTC businesses and developing commodity investment banking businesses allow securities companies to serve enterprise economy innovatively and satisfy their need for business innovations and new revenue growth opportunities. Currently, the reform of the capital market is entering a stage of mergence, innovation and development. Finding new fields for collaboration, implementing new investment tools and developing new investment products have become a pressing matter, as well as a realistic choice for securities companies. On the other side, with the scale of the futures market in China constantly expanding and the liquidity increasing in the 20 years of development, the time for involvement of financial institutions has come.
The Securities Practitioners Qualification is considered the most professionally valued qualification in the securities and even the financial industry for it is a mandatory requirement for entrance to the securities industry and is used as a significant reference for practitioners to be employed by banks, non-bank financial institutions, listed companies, investment companies, large enterprise groups, financial media and economic departments of the government. The low threshold of registration, high passing rate and promising career development prospect all contribute to the popularity of Securities Practitioners Qualification among university graduates. The pre-registered exam and national unified exam of the Securities Practitioners Qualification Examination are all available for registration during the summer vacation. Candidates can visit the official website of SAC for more information.
(If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.)